MSC Courseworks and Assignments
- Coursework Name: Online Prometric Testing System (OPTs)
Description: The aim of this web-based project is to develop a system based on a specific framework (.NET or J2EE). It is developed using .NET framework and includes complete analysis of the system with application and patterns analysis. CSharp is used as programming language in ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is used as database. It has sample courses and going through a sample payment procedure.
Link: Online Prometric Testing System
- Coursework Name: 2-Step Approach to Enterprise Security
Description: The aim of this project is to design a security mechanism for an enterprise information system using traditional password and modern Passface technique. It is done using ASP and Access. COM component was developed using VB that includes security measures to authenticate users.
Link: 2-Step Approach to Enterprise Security
- Coursework Name: Relationship between MBASE, Win-Win Spiral Model, UML and Rational Unified Process
Description: It is a research project to investigate the
Relationship between MBASE, Win-Win Spiral Model, UML and Rational Unified Process models. It includes reading of many books, journals and web resources. We then compile a report based on our findings and evaulate it.
- Assignment Name: Snuffer Cipher
Description: The aim of this assignment is to develop an encryption algorithm inspired by some of the existing algorithms. We choose Playfair and improve that by adding more functionality and called it Snuffer Cipher. It was developed using Visual Basic.
(View PDF document 199 KB )
Coursework Name: Personal
Data Warehouse Application
Description: The aim of this project is
to develop a data warehouse application to simulate the
idea of data warehousing. This project is developed as a coursework
of Data Mining and Warehosuing module assigned to fulfill
the module requirements. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is used as
database and different applications are tested according to
the coursework requirements.
( View
PDF document 1.25 MB)
Coursework Name: The DreamHome
Case Study
Description: The aim of this coursework is to
develop an application and database to demonstrate the concepts
of distributed database systems based on the given requirements.
Microsoft Access2000 used as back-end store distributed
database information and Active Server Pages (ASP) is used
to implement the case study.
( View
PDF document 760 KB )
Link: The
DreamHome Case Study
Assignment Name: The Sandwich
Description: The aim of this assignment
is to develop understanding about the basic software methodologies
and to propose some solution of the given problem. UML
tools and concepts are used to find the desired strategy
of the scenario.
Preview: The
Sandwich Man
Final Project of BCS
Project Name: MachDrive - The
Online Storage Media
Description: It was developed using Active Server
Pages (ASP) as server side scripting. It consists of 3 parts i.e.
Web-based Application, Desktop Application and WAP application.
Tools like Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev, Macromedia Fireworks,
Microsoft SQL Server and IIS were used in the development phases
of the web-based application. Microsoft Visual Basic and Nokia
WAP toolkit were used during the development of Desktop and WAP
Other Internal Projects of
- PhoneBook - the address book, developed using
C++. This project helped me in understanding the programming techniques
and improves my logic about problem handling.
- BookBank - The Complete Library Management
System, developed in C++. I gained valuable knowledge about
C++ environment and Object-oriented techniques during this project.
PDF document 185 KB)
- Connectivity between Linux Machine and Windows NT Machine using
Samba Server using Linux 6.2 and WinNT 4.0. (View
PDF document 225 KB)
- A library management system was developed using Visual J++.
Microsoft Access was used as database on backend (View
- Speech Recognition - This project was not completed
but partially I worked on it using Java Technologies. (View
- Machvaders - A game developed using Java
Technologies. (View
PDF document 152 KB)
- AWA - the most-wanted language, compiler developed
using Java language. It follows the customized grammar that was
built using combined syntax of C and Pascal.
- A library management system was developed using Java Server
Pages (JSP) and Active Server Pages (ASP) technologies. Microsoft
Access was used as database on backend.